Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016

Both Christmas and New Year's are over.  But I'm not yet ready, to take down all our decorations.  We are due for a 'spell' of cold weather.  I think the brightness and color, of the Holiday decorations.............
 ..........will help make the house 'feel' warmer.  Or at least, I can convince myself, that this is the case.

I guess everyone deals with January, in their own way.  And in their own time.
"January is here, with eyes that keenly glow,
A frost-mailed warrior
striding a shadowy steed of snow."
~Edgar Fawcett


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Tessa, my daughter lives in New England and said the same thing about leaving her Christmas decor up. You must live in a cold part of the country. Lovely silhouettes you have featured! ♥

The World According To Me said...

I'm the same, love putting the decorations up, hate taking them down.

Daniela said...

How lovely your blog is, Tessa !
I thank you so much for the beautiful comment you've left on ~ My little old world ~, I'd love to follow you so I'm going to copy and paste the link of your page for not to lose any update :)

Have a wonderful end of your week
