Sunday, May 15, 2016

Violets... And a change... :-)

Our grand son cut our lawns, yesterday.  But these didn't get cut.  Because they are along a rock edging.  :-)  So glad, because,  I hate to lose my violets. 
We don't drink much.  We love our glass of wine, in the evening.  And our Manhattans on Saturday night.

But!  After he was in hospital, with pancreatic attack, that has to change.  There are 2 causes of pancreatic trouble .  Gall Bladder, and his has been out, for years.  And consumption of alcohol.

So.... No more drinking at all.  If he had to stop, I have stopped too.

And that is why you see the jolly bottle of Sparkling Cider above!  -grin-  Not gonna' be like wine or a Manhattan.  But it will have to do.  :-)))))  Health is more important. 


Susie said...

Tessa, I only have a drink when I am on a cruise. I will have a's been a long dry spell. LOL. I have had champagne at weddings...but not more than a sip. I some times miss the days of having a drink with friends after work. Or at family picnics. You know like when I was young. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
p.s. love the violets .

Red Rose Alley said...

I don't drink much at all, Tessa, only on special occasions. You'll be ok, although you may miss those manhattans you have once in awhile. :) But I DO LOVE THIS SPARKLING CIDER, AND WILL DRINK IT ANY TIME! So glad your violets were kept in tact when your grandson mowed the lawn, they're pretty.


Peggy said...

Violets are such sweet flowers. I'm glad yours were saved. Sparkling cider makes a good substitute for your nightcap. I'm allergic to alcohol. That happened in my thirties. I haven't had a drink since. But there are times I would have liked to.

Heidi said...

Stimmt , Gesundheit ist wichtiger . Und Veilchen sind so hübsche Blumen . Ich liebe sie . Bei uns wachsen die auch im Garten . Ich glaub auch immer die machen sich ganz klein wenn sie den Rasenmäher hören :))
Und mit ler weile blühen sie überall im Garten . Die vermehren sich einfach so . Wunderschön :)
LG Heidi

Kim said...

Hey, girlfriend!! I didn't know you were still blogging! I saw your comment on Sheri's blog (Red Rose Alley) and wandered over. Glad to see you doing it again. It inspires me! I've added you back on my blog's sidebar. I hope that's okay. If not, just let me know.

I wondered why your hubby had to go into the hospital. Bummer about the wine and Manhattans! I saw that there are Virgin Manhattans that might sort of fill the empty place. Here's one:

Virgin Manhattans

It sounds refreshing! Not the same, I know, but maybe better than giving the flavors up altogether? I might try that!

Much love, and so happy to see you on da big screen again! (not my phone)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm not much of a drinker, like Sheri. I will occasionally have a drink. My husband enjoys wine in the evening, but I always have a cup of tea. I laugh and tell my husband that I like to chew my calories! I've had your sparkling cider and I like it. Here's to good health! ♥

Lowcarb team member said...

I always think violets look so nice ...

All the best Jan