Wednesday, March 30, 2016

"Maggie" and "Clara".... Our "Grand Dogs"... :-)

Our son brought their dogs over, for a visit.  This is
'Clara'...  A Swiss Mountain Dog..   100 pounds...  But still
a puppy.  :-)
And here is olden "Maggie", a beautiful Black Lab.  Whom
I love dearly!  It's hard to get photos, since they are in
constant motion.  :-)
Dear 'Maggie' ~ And big, big 'Clara' ~ Our 'Granddogs' .
On the move again!  But sweet 'Maggie' is still sitting.  I
don't blame you 'Maggie"!  You and I are both olden.   .
And we do not care to bounce around, like the Youngin's.  ,-)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Birthday to me... :-))))

And I am 79
And mighty happy to still be "bopping along"...
Not "bopping" as fast as before...

But still "bopping"...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I just can't get enough of............ :-)))))

I guess I am unleashing my inner 8 year old boy...  -grin-
But I just can't get enough of this video!!!
I  want  one...!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Do you have a preference...???? :-))))

My husband made me a "new-old" lamp, for my
kitchen counter.  :-)  It is newly made.  But has the
look of a little lamp, which has been around a while.

A little experiment here.....    I am leaving a line space, 

between my post lines.  
Does this make reading my post, any easier, than the
usual way?  (Of no line left open, between lines of words, 

in my posts)

Plus, I have Bold Setting, on first paragraph.  Regular

Setting here, in this paragraph.

Do you have a preference(s)???
Please and thank you.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Little decoration.....

My only Easter decoration...   The beautiful Egg, painted by one of my daughters~in~law, years ago.  I have taken very good care of it, for a long time.  :-)
And here are just a couple of pretty cups...    My decorating has really fallen by the wayside.  :-))))


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Signs of Spring...

Sign of Spring....  Chalk drawing on driveway...
Spring sunshine and shadows, on a carriage house...
With nicer weather, we actually went out to eat...

On Instagram, I see Prosecco.  So I finally had a single serving bottle of it, for myself.  Sparkling!  Delicious!
His meal was Lobster Ravioli in Alfredo Sauce.  :-)
Mine was Chicken Marsala over Gluten Free corn pasta.  Yummmmm....
For 6 days a week, we eat healthy.
Sunday, is the day for "treats"...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

"I'm Late, I'm Late...."

"They say" that we are now on Daylight Savings Time.
Well hooray for "them."
I dislike clocks, and prefer Nature's Time.
Therefore I look out the window and know what "time" of day it is.  And night, is after the sun sets.  
My Body Clock takes care of the rest.
For those pesky doctor appointments, I'll have to look at a clock.  The same for the few programs I watch.
But other than that......   Being retired.....  
I can ignore man-made Daylight Savings Time.
And you????  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A new "Nana Bag"

My old "Nana Bag", in Gibson Girl fabric, was getting threadbare.  It was time for a new one.
I call my regular bag, the "Nana Bag", because I always carried Grand Children necessities in it.  Extra tissues at all times.  When grands get in HS and are playing sports, some chocolate to revive them after a hard game, was another thing, carried in the "Nana Bag."  :-)
And...  All the time...   It is the only purse I carry. 
Since this fabric has a large pattern, each side looks different.
And I even lined it, with another fabric.  It's not perfect, but I am very "proud" of myself.  :-))))))))
"Springtime is the land awakening.  
The March winds are the morning yawn." 
~Lewis Grizzard

Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Maryland Black Sheep"

My lovely grand daughter 

loves to knit.
You can see some of her friends

modeling some of the things she knits

by clicking on


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fabric Store!!!!! :-)

Got to the fabric store.
Material for a dress, lamp shade covering, 2 bags, 2 pillows...
This should keep me busy, for awhile.  :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I love this illustration.

For me, it is "A March Hare Among The Faeries"...