Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 26th...

Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Full Long Night Moon, or Full Yule Moon....   All have passed.  No snow or cold weather here, which is very, very unusual.  But no worries about falling on ice, is quite lovely.
It isn't the New Year yet...  But I'm feeling like posting something here.  As a beginning...  
Still don't know where this blog will 'go'.  Other than, it needs to be a place, where I don't 'paint myself into corners.'  This happens to me, easily.  But not again.  (I hope!!!)  ...
Seems a blog should be a place, where we can put photos and words, of our own choosing.  Trying not to be purposely offensive.  But also, not being hemmed in, by having differing opinions.  ~~~   Yes, that sounds like a *Mission Statement*!  -grin-

(Some of this, would be nice.....)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

reading.... eating.......

one christmas cozy...   one ya book, by a favorite author...   

enjoyed the cozy, with a big country home in the uk, a varied group of guests for the christmas holidays, snowed in of course, and a murder, also of course.  ,-))))

nearly done with the "the fixer"....  as i said above, i really enjoy books by jennifer lynn barnes.  yes, they are ya.  also yes, they are intelligent ya books. 
-sigh-  i know i shouldn't even show a pic of a home-made fruitcake.  because everyone goes "aaaahggggggg" at the very word "fruitcake."  but if a spice cake mix has candied fruit and walnuts added to it...   and then, it is pricked all over, and rum is poured on it, often...   it makes a nice little treat in the evening, with a glass of port or harvey's bristol cream.   :-)
and this cake mix, was gluten free!  so i can eat it too!  which is even nicer.   :-)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cure for "no snow"

Temps in the 50's!  Imagine that!  Obviously no snow, in our future.  So I get my snow-fix, by watching Hallmark Ch. Christmas Movies.

And baking a Mincemeat Pie, while the Hallmark Christmas movies are on. 
Pink tree link