Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Another sign of Spring.......... :-(


Another sign of Spring....  


Having to spray and put ant buttons out....   



Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Tessa, I feel for ya. I haven't gotten any ants yet in our new home, but in my other houses we'd get a trail of them sometimes, and they were such a bother. Good luck with the ant problem.


bj said...

awww, dear Tessa...I wish you could eat real bread again but I just love how you look on the bright side of everything...there's lots more to life than eating bread....xoxo

I haven't noticed any ants here yet but they will start showing up soon, I !

Susie said...

Tessa, I found about a dozen ants all at once in our living room around the firep[ stomach has been in knots all day. I called the bug men. They will come out tomorrow and tell us what kind of ants they are and treat for them. I got up twice in the night looking to see if they had taken over. Good luck getting rid of yours. I hate insects in my home. makes me crazy. Ted just sprayed the foundation last week. I would rather see robins wouldn't you? Blessings, xoxo, Susie

tammy j said...

i have a friend who had them badly one year.
she was told to put bay leaves all around her counters and especially in the place they were coming in if she could find it.
believe it or not it worked. i guess they don't like the scent of bay leaves!
worth a try. and totally safe for humans and pets.
good luck! XO

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm sorry to hear about the ants, Tessa. Don't they know they don't belong in your home? Hopefully they will figure it out soon. ♥

Debby Ray said...

Ah yes...the lovely ants... I would rather see a few really big ones rather than thousands of teeny-tiny ones :D

The World According To Me said...

They are very strong though, aren't they! Lifting 5,000 times their body weight. Imagine if we could do that?

Lowcarb team member said...

Ants are amazing but not in the house ...

All the best Jan