Thursday, May 26, 2016

Downstreet, to eat....... :-)

Wednesday, we went to our favorite restaurant, down street.  This time we had individual pizzas.  Mine close up and his, across from me. 
It was early for dinner, and we had a window right in the front part of the restaurant.  Where we could "people watch", and still be inside.  It was a beautiful day, but the wind was blowing quite a bit, on the outside eating area, on the deck.  This was the "best of both worlds".
And this is a closeup of my Gluten Free pizza!  Yes, it was delicious!  And the crust was not toooooo crisp.  Perfect!  And I told our server to tell the chef.  :-)

Most G/F pizzas I have had, the crust is way too crisp for my liking.   Hooray for this one!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to emabrace a not-so-sunny-day... :-))))

It is gray today....
The sun was struggling to peek through the clouds and the trees...
But I found a lovely little bunch of wild violets....
I will try to embrace the gray and overcast day, as Guinever von Sneeden does.  She loves a gray and misty day. :-)  Above is a screen capture of her lovely site.  
A delight for the senses...   Even with lovely music, to accompany her delightful little videos.  :-)

If she can love a day like this, she can show me how to do so also.  We can't have bright, sunny days, all the time.  And yes, they do make us feel more perky.  Well, most of us that is.  :-)   I'm sure she is not the only one, who embraces less sunny days.

Please, do  visit her, by clicking here.  Her life is very different than mine.   Than many.   But it's a delightful place to pop into.  It's really "another world."  She actually does live "in a Faerie Tale."  :-)))))

She also had a lovely blog (Slender Nettles), but has not updated it, in a few weeks.  With luck, she will begin again, there.  But meantime, there is the link I leave, above.  Where you can pop in, for daily delights.  :-)))))

Please and thank you....

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rainy day.... Baking day......

Rainy morning here...  Seems like it will be a good day, to use our spring rhubarb, in baking.  My husband always loves a Rhubarb Pie in the spring.  But after being in hospital, with pancreas, he really has to eat low fat.   Now my homemade crust, is delicious, but it is not low fat.   

So....  I figure I will make him a "little pie."  A galette.  Which is still my pastry...  Still the rhubarb pie filling.   But smaller.  :-)

And with the rest, we can make rhubarb sauce.  To put over other things.
This is a veggie dinner we had recently.  Sauteed mushrooms and squash.  Fiddle Head Ferns.  Fresh asparagus.  :-)
An avacado, pear, and banana, which I had on my island.  Just a pretty little, and healthy little, centerpiece.  :-)
Hope some of you, were able to see the Full Flower Moon last night.  I saw it, on Friday night.  But we were overcast, last night. 