Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Rainy and recovery....

Our hearth room....  Drapes pulled and little string of faerie lights on.  While our grand daughter recovers from having her 4 wisdom teeth out, on Monday.
She has been laying low and taking her meds, with soft food and has been quite good.  But today "could be" the worst day.  She is in "her little nest" on the couch.  It's rainy and cool, so I straightened out her pillows.  Made 2 blankets "neat" and put them on her, and around her.  And quiet prevails.  :-)
At noon time, "Thor" (Noah Syndergaard) is supposed to be pitching for the Mets.  We can have that on the tv, with sound off, if she wishes.  And she can sleep right through it too, if she wishes.  I don't mind sound off.  With my hearing loss, I read the captions, rather than listen, anyway.  ,-)
So, with not much going on here, and rainy weather, not good for photos....  I'll post some lovely pictures from "Victoria" magazine.
Mmmmmmm, aren't they lovvvvvvvvvvely...............????????
"No occupation is so delightful to me
as the culture of the earth, and no culture
comparable to that of the garden."
~Thomas Jefferson

Monday, June 20, 2016

Please!!! Enjoy!!!

Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon
Today marks the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.   The longest day of the year, when, in this hemisphere, the earth is tilted closest to the sun.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

This and that and Summer Solstice coming....

Perfect summer sky...
Perfect summer breakfast accompaniment...
"Grands'" kitty, next door...
Discovered this one little flower, blooming between steps into the pool area.  It had to have seeded itself.  :-)
I so love the color combination of my petunias in pots, on back patio....
(I apologize for the too-large-horizontal photos below)
And now we begin a series of photos, of the water flowing and bubbling, from the little bird bath fountain, into the little pond. 

(And the horizontal photos are too long.  I apologize.)
I know!   "Over kill"!!!  ,-)  Too many pics of water and bubbles.   ,-)
But ...   Just scroll down, if you want to.  :-))))
There!!!!   Those are done!!!!
And now, I am excited about the fact that the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Full Strawberry Moon, coincide on this coming Monday!!!!
I love to celebrate seasonal changes.  And also love the Full Moons.  So this will be a very special day/night.  :-)
"Oh, the summer night 
Has a smile of light
And she sits on a sapphire throne."
Barry Cornwall