Sunday, May 15, 2016

Violets... And a change... :-)

Our grand son cut our lawns, yesterday.  But these didn't get cut.  Because they are along a rock edging.  :-)  So glad, because,  I hate to lose my violets. 
We don't drink much.  We love our glass of wine, in the evening.  And our Manhattans on Saturday night.

But!  After he was in hospital, with pancreatic attack, that has to change.  There are 2 causes of pancreatic trouble .  Gall Bladder, and his has been out, for years.  And consumption of alcohol.

So.... No more drinking at all.  If he had to stop, I have stopped too.

And that is why you see the jolly bottle of Sparkling Cider above!  -grin-  Not gonna' be like wine or a Manhattan.  But it will have to do.  :-)))))  Health is more important. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Viewing fun......

I don't have a lot to say....   
But I have cute illustrations, to show...  :-)
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
As for me, I am off with the faeries...  :-)