Monday, June 13, 2016

Yes..... Today... I blog......

Yes, I am furious, that my fellow citizens, were slaughtered, by a Radical Islamic Terrorist Sympathizer, simply for being who they are.
But I will not let ISIS change my way of life.   
My way of life, includes blogging.   And so, today, I blog. 
By showing a  photo of one of our "Old Roses".  The name of this "Old Rose," is "Joseph's Coat Of Many Colors."  I feel that this is quite appropriate. 
I do not follow their way of life.  But they are my fellow citizens.  And there was no reason, for them to be slaughtered, than for any other of my fellow citizens, to be slaughtered.
. . . . . . .

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Happy, happy, happy........

.I've been a bit 'down'...  The last few hours...   Silly me, I know...  Nothing really, to be 'down' about.
But just now, I found that an awaited blog, has begun posting again.  And I am so happy.  :-))))
And I'd love to share the name and link of this lovely blog, with you.  I actually have done so before.  But she wasn't back to posting, then.  And now she is!!!!   Happy day!
Please take a minute, to use this link, and pop over and take a peek.  You won't be disappointed. 

WHERE do they post the "Rules"???? ,-))))

Have you been to a gathering of teens, of late?  Teen age girls, that is.  I don't know much about the "In Boy Look"...   But the teen girls...   Is there a memo, which goes out?  Giving "The Rules Of The Day"...  For hair style and length of skirt?  Because it certainly looks that way.  In a very unscientific survey, that is.  ,-)
Hair:  Must be long!  Must be long and stick straight!  Matters not, if the girl has hair, which looks best this way.  If a girl has thick hair, it will look nice, natural or straightened.  But if a girl has thin, thin hair, it will look simply like thin, thin straight hair.  And would often look better, and make her look better, when it is very softly curled or turned.  

But NO!  Seems there is a memo, that all hair must be long and straightened! 
Dress Length:  Must-be-short!  Here again, it doesn't matter what kind of legs, a girl has.  It's common sense that nature does not hand out long, (the present idea of) shapely legs, to every girl.   It simply doesn't happen.   Some legs are short, and/or far from (the present idea of) shapely.  But no matter!  All teen age girls, regardless of the natural shape of their body, must wear short skirts.     
I wonder where the memos are posted?  On some form of Social Media of course.   Silly me...    ,-))))
Pic 1 source
Pic 2 source