Monday, February 1, 2016

Do we really get...............?

(Susan Branch's Mini Calendar...Feb.)
Leap Year this year.  February 2016 has the extra day of February 29th.  And as the calendar above says...  We get an extra day.
But......  Do we really get an extra day?  Does our lifetime expand, every Leap Year?
Every 24 hours, the sun rises and the sun sets.  The sun doesn't care about our calendars.  Or about how we "tell time."  The sun had been rising and setting an awful long time, before any sort of time telling was thought of.  So.............
Do we really get an "extra" day, every 4 years?  :-)
Not an earth shaking question, I know.  :-)  But the world presents us with so many really earth shaking questions, every day.  Or at least, "The News" tells us it does...  Maybe it would be fun to ponder a tiny, silly, little question for awhile.  

Do we really get an "extra" day, every 4 years?
What-cha' think???


Daniela said...

Well, it's not precisely an extra day, I mean a day made of 24 hours, they're a little less, but so we are used to do ...
I don't like these things so much, so as the change of the hour in Daylight Saving Time and then in the Standard Time again ... I'd prefer the time flowing without any participation by any human being, as it certainly once was ...

Sending love to you,
my dearest Tessa

Unknown said...

I'm going to believe in the extra day, because I SO need it!! :-)

tammy j said...

i used to work with a lady who was born in a leap year.
she loved it.
she only had a birthday every four years.
she said "it's a wonderful way to age!" LOLOL!

the romans had such fun playing with the calendar.
and there are still cultures who have even a different one.
so i suppose it matters not!

time is irrelevant to me.
it drags when there's something unpleasant or horrendous going on.
it goes by in a whoosh when you're so happy you want it to last forever!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my gosh, that's the cutest Header picture ever, Tessa hehehehe. I don't know too much about leap year, but I've always loved the fact that February is shorter than the other months. That's pretty cool if you think about it. ;)


Benita said...

It always boggles my mind the way the calendar works and the extra day or paycheck shows up! And, I don't understand why February is always short a few days....LOVE the background! Hugs sweet friend!!