Monday, February 8, 2016

Would you know, please...........?

The painting in the picture above....
It is a poster, from a French Museum...
Would anyone know the name of the painting?
Or how to go about finding out, the name of that painting?
Without a name, or the name of the painter, it is difficult to go about tracking down a particular picture.



Thursday, February 4, 2016

No snow........ :-(

No snow.
I think it's time to give up on any real snow this winter.
I don't miss having to be shoveled out.  Or walking or driving in ice/snow.  So what am I complaining about???
I miss the pristine beauty of snow.  I miss watching it snow, while inside my home.  I miss how snow fall, makes inside seem even more snug and warm and cozy and inviting.  Like a warm blanket around me.
I miss those things, about a normal winter, of snow.
And it is too late now, to expect any real snow...  So, yes...  I am sad.  About this.  About missing a real northern winter.
While apologizing to those who have been deluged with snow...   I still post this entry.   :-)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Do we really get...............?

(Susan Branch's Mini Calendar...Feb.)
Leap Year this year.  February 2016 has the extra day of February 29th.  And as the calendar above says...  We get an extra day.
But......  Do we really get an extra day?  Does our lifetime expand, every Leap Year?
Every 24 hours, the sun rises and the sun sets.  The sun doesn't care about our calendars.  Or about how we "tell time."  The sun had been rising and setting an awful long time, before any sort of time telling was thought of.  So.............
Do we really get an "extra" day, every 4 years?  :-)
Not an earth shaking question, I know.  :-)  But the world presents us with so many really earth shaking questions, every day.  Or at least, "The News" tells us it does...  Maybe it would be fun to ponder a tiny, silly, little question for awhile.  

Do we really get an "extra" day, every 4 years?
What-cha' think???

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Allllllll about "commenting"........

I do realize that I am a No Reply Blogger.  But I am choosing to remain so, at least for awhile.
Let me explain my way of blogging.  ~~~~  If people come and leave a comment in my blog, I go and read/comment in their blog.
I do not send "email replies" to all who comment in my blog.  Feeling that my reciprocal reading/commenting in their blogs, is sufficient.  
Nor do I expect anyone else, to do this "email-replies"-to-all-who-comment-in-their-blog.
And, I do not reply, in my blog comments, to the comments made on my blog.  This expects people to return to a blog, for a 2nd time, to see the blogger's return comments.  Who has time to do that????  Not I.
My feeling....  If you appreciate comments on your blog, go leave a comment, on the blog's, of your commenters.
Have you ever considered these issues?
If so, what is your view, on them?
Please and thank you. 


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Another accomplishment... :-)))

I finally made a "skirt" to cover my lamp shade!!!!
Sorry about the "tilt" of the shade.  
It is an old lamp and it "tilts"...
I used to be embarrassed about this.  
And then I saw beautiful old lamp shades, on Instagram.
Which proudly "tilted."  :-)
Soooo...  Now I am no longer embarrassed.  :-)
How silly of me!
Needing someone else's validation.
For a silly little thing, like a tilting lamp.
I easily follow my own mind, on big things!
But not on this tiny thing.
"Out of the cloud-folds
of her garments shaken...
Silent, and soft, and slow
Descends the snow."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Frosted Rose....

My frosted rose, in my Banner.....
I took this photo, years ago.  By some chance, it came out in quite a beautiful way. 
I don't keep many pictures I have taken.  But this one, I have kept, for years.  I just love it.  :-) 
It is small by my blogging standards of today.  So I couldn't use it, in my Banner, until I learned to center my Banner pictures. 
I learned.  I can do it now.  And I did.  
Not an earth-shattering post topic.  But, I wanted to say it.  And I did.  
Hooray for our blogs!  A place, where we can write what we want.  "A Writing Place."  :-)
"I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow....."
Emily Bronte

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Many, many, many, many changes......

A friend sent a version of this, to me.  It's from 1949 of course.
In 1949, I was 12 years old.  Forming feminine values of course. 
If anyone is old enough, to remember "The Donna Reed Show," you have seen them, in practice.  This tv show began, in 1958, the year I got married.  :-) 
So you can imagine how many changes I have lived through!!!!!  Pretty amazing, actually.  "I've come a long way, baby!"  (Which was in an add, promoting women smoking, back in the day.  Yishhhh)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Monster winter storm.....

My heart goes out, to fellow citizens, who are in the path of this monster winter storm.   Please be safe. 
Happily, we are not in its path.  But so, so, so many are.  -sigh-

And Saturday is the Full Wolf Moon.  Which will mean higher tides, along the coast...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How to center...!!!!!!!!

Did you notice, that I have centered my Header/Banner picture?  Even though it is not as wide as the Header/Banner area?  Yes I did!   And I have been wanting to know how to do this, for ever so long.
Happily the lady at "Free Pretty Things For You" has been kind enough, to tell us how!!!
Click on this click-able link, and go find out, how to do this, for yourself.
And please do leave a Thank You comment for her.  It really is a marvelous service she is providing.
Thank you again, Keren...