Friday, January 8, 2016

Forgetting new plans... -sigh-

This blog was begun, after I had burned out, on my last blog.  After I had backed myself into so many corners, on my old blog.  But I needed a place to write, etc.

So.....  "a writing place" was born.

And it has been helpful.  I am again having fun with my 'blog look.'  And no longer have a very wide blog, with excessively wide posted photos.  And I did not want to get into counting comments or visits to my blog, or etc.  I wanted to put all that old stuff, behind me.
Really embrace the old 'Blogging without Obligation' motto.
And now, I'm finding myself slipping back into old habits.  -head desk-  All my fault.  All my fault.  But perhaps, writing this here, will jar me awake.  To renew my new plans, for this new blog.  Perhaps....  Perhaps...  I hope....
"And in the Winter, wild and cold, 
'Tis merry, merry too."
WM Howitt


The World According To Me said...

Blogging without obligation. I like that.

Daniela said...

Of course we do blog without obligation, that's not a duty of ours ... at least for me it's a hobby, a true pleasure !
So, I'm looking forward to the new changes you've in your mind, that will surely be so very beautiful, I really can't wait !

Have a wonderful end of your week

Benita said...

I like the motto.without obligation... and I love the look of this blog. ..very, very nice! It is your writing place, the place to record your thoughts without worry...without obligation! Love and hugs to you!!

Ps...I will be responding to your email when I get back to a computer! :-) So happy to see you again!

Emma Connolly said...

Ah such a lovely blog that is true to heart! I love your writing! I know you don't want to add side bars or anything, but a follow by email would be lovey

Emma x

tammy j said...

i truly never realized or thought that your old blog had backed you into corners!
i don't think it felt that way to us... your readers.
you are whimsical and an odd mixture of pure practicality and magic.
and it's ALWAYS a woman's prerogative to change our minds! LOLOL!
i love change though. in all things.
especially creative changes. and yes! still considering the new you know what. just have been very busy lately.
another trip to tulsa today with the marine!

Estelle's said...

I love it that you reinvented your blog...just enjoy the ride. We do!

Red Rose Alley said...

Tessa, is that YOU? How I've missed you, dear, and your splendid posts. A writing place can be just the thing we all need, sounds great. I hope the new year is being good to you. And just wanted to say are missed.
