Saturday, June 4, 2016

"We now return you, to your regularly scheduled programing...."

Yes, "We now return you, to your regularly scheduled programing...."
After so much of my "inner life," revealed in posting here, I figure readers would like some quiet, simple, no personal views, no personal angst, etc., etc., etc., in my posting.
And I can do that!!!!!  I can post flowers, with the best of them!  ,-)   For a lot of us, flowers are taking up a lot of our time and attention.  Because this growing season, in the Northern Hemisphere, is not so very long. 
We know that almost in-the-blink-of-an-eye, Autumn will come.  Beautiful and wonderful though Autumn be, it makes us think ahead, to winter.  Brrrrr.... 
So there are now, a whole lot of flowers on our minds...  Finding them, planting them, watering them, and just plain old enjoying looking at them.
And an all year enjoyment for me, is "Victoria" magazine.   Just look at the beauty shown, on these covers!!!!!   Can't help but bring a smile to the face.

And a smile to the face, is something to grab, and enjoy, and hold on to.    There are always big or little frowns, lurking....   So grab whatever makes you happy and smile.  Notice it!  Fully enjoy it!  Don't let any of the Nice Things, pass you by.  Without your full attention.  :-)  In my humble opinion, that is.

Friday, June 3, 2016

It started, with a comment.............. :-)

On my last post, I received a comment...  A lovely comment, by a lovely  blogger.  I want to stress this.  A lovely comment, by a lovely blogger.

The post was about having a baddddd dream, and knowing that it was a "message" from my body.  Trying to get my attention!  For the fact that I was allowing myself to become wayyyy toooooo upset, by just about everything.  Something I knew, but had not acted on, yet.

But after that dream, I had no choice but to pay attention.  To make a decision, to stop "riling myself up" and raising my blood pressure, all the time.  Which is simply common sense and wisdom.  And I have tried to put this, into action, the rest of Thursday.  Good For Me!!!!!!!
And Susie, being the sweet and caring person she is, commented to me;   "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you. :)"

Now usually, I'd just let that pass.  Understanding that it came from a nice person, who figured that her views, would be of comfort to me.  As they would be, to the majority of Pretty Blog Land.

But I am not among the majority of Pretty Blog Land.  And something just "happened"...  :-))))))

So I will copy and paste below, the rest of my comment back to her.  Thus being very brave, and possibly turning off the majority of my Dear Readers.  :-))))

Susie commented; "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you. :)"

And I wrote back;
Nope! None of that, for me. After 60, I give myself permission to Question my religion. Then spent years, studying and thinking and finding my own way.  Coming to no belief here, in ancient texts, which have been changed and interpreted, for 200 years. With some parts of which, based on beliefs, which go back even further.

Did you know who first came up with the concept, of a Force For Good anddddd a Force For Evil????? Zoraster! Who lived in the eastern part of the Iranian Plateau, somewhere in the 11th or 10th century BCE.

And many cultures, around the world, have the myths of the Virgin Birth, Savior, etc.

People brought up in a religion, don't want to look. Or question. Or think on such things. They are comfortable, and don't want to "rock the boat."  Which is fine for them!!!!!!

Whereas I was never comfortable, being a Roman Catholic. I wanted to question, even when I was told it was sinful, to question. By the age of 60, I finally gave myself permission. Finally!!!!!!! Oh Happy Day!

Wow, I am actually saying these things, in a comment, in my blog!!!!   :-)))  Can you imagine how BRAVE that is, of me??? To do so????!!!! The majority of Pretty Blog Land, is Christian. And so, if one isn't, one keeps one's mouth shut.

Did you ever know that???? Did you know that Christians can blog their views, all over their blogs????? But if a non-believer did so, they take the chance of "turning readers off"?

Oh yes!!!!! Listen and learn! We usually keep our mouths shut. But sometimes, we just can't, any longer.

Sooooo, if I got brave, and put this in comments, why not get fully brave, and put my views in a post?!?!?! I-just-may-do-that!!!!!!

I appreciate your good wishes, Susie!!! I do! I do! I do! But I just couldn't "keep quiet" any longer.

June 2, 2016 at 5:11 PM
And so.....   Regardless of what happens, after this post....  I am doing it.  Jumping out of my "Safe Boat," into the "Waters of Speaking What I Happen To Think."  Thus throwing caution to the winds.  Yes, I know, that sounds overly dramatic.  But, if one has blogged for as many years as I have, and 'kept my mouth shut,'  it is like throwing caution to the winds.  

But wow!  It feels good out here!!!!  Sailing unknown waters.  With the wind in my hair and the steering wheel, securely in my own hand.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

DREAM MESSAGE, from body.... Listen Up!!!!!

Just what the Subject Line says....  "DREAM MESSAGE, from body....  Listen Up!!!!!"  I know I need to "Reboot"...   I know it...   But I can ignore thinking about it...   Until my body says;  "Stop, damn it!"  My body does this, with horrible dreams.   I'm sure my body sezzzzz;  "Well, when dealing with a stubborn and dense person, it is necessary to bring out the big guns."  And...  It did!!! 
Must stop getting-ticked-off, over every little thing.  And over every big thing.  Because my getting-ticked-off, never fixed anything.  (Duhhhh me!!!)  All it does, is raise my blood pressure.  Which is not good.
Yes, I remember.  I have posted some of this before,  but when I did, I had not yet had the Wake-Up-Call from my body.  I was simply kind of laughing at myself, and my short temper. 
Not laughing any more.  I am Serious.  Very Serious. 
I am not the world's Sheriff....   I can not right every perceived wrong.   I can not fret over every piece of bad or sad news, which comes my way. 
All I can do, is live my own life.  And try to be a nice part, of those around me.  :-)   Quite simple, really.  Quite simple.  Wonder why I always forget it???????
Wondering also, if your body, sends you Wake Up calls, via your dreams????  When/if you have bad dreams, do you wonder if your body, is trying to tell you something...?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"June Is Busting Out All Over...."

June may be "busting out all over," but Blogger seems to be "busting," just to try to keep up.
Had a terrible time, trying to change my blog look....  And now, the photos here, took "forever" to load...   ?????????
Is anyone else, finding Blogger S-L-O-W today?????

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Can't *blame* that.... ,-)

 (My husband's old 1950 Chevy Truck)
Now I know that the Dark of The Moon is not until June 5th...  I was thinking that it had to have been this past weekend.  -grin-  Because I was "blowing my stack" quite easily.
Had waited all day Saturday, for the evening Mets game!  "Thor" (Noah Syndergaard) was pitching.  The '86 Mets were honored, before this game.  

And the umpire threw Noah out of the game.  For pitching behind a batter, from the other team.  This player had made a dirty slide, into another Met player, last year, and broke his leg, which ended his (Met player's) career.   If Noah had wanted to hit him, he could have.  This behind-his-back throw was a necessary "pay back" for hurting his team mate.  In baseball, you DO this.  Duhhhh....

That ejection "ticked me off" big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Grrrrrr.............
Then, on Sunday, the downstairs toilet backed up!  Funnnnnnn.....  Nottttt.....  Grrrrrr.....
And someone in blogging ticked me off tooooooo!!!!!   (See this post)  And the fun just kept happening.  Actually it all began, last Friday night.  But can not put that, in my blog.   >,-)))))))))
And that is why I thought there must be "something", blowing my cool.  But, no Dark of The Moon to blame.  :-)

Actually, The Dark of The Moon is cool...!!!!  

Monday, May 30, 2016

THAN YOU!!!!!!! To all our Warriors...!!!!!!!!

THANK  YOU  to all our Warriors!!!!!!
While the POTUS, is going around the world, on his "Apology Tour"...   I as a citizen of this United States Of America...   REFUTE  his blather!!!   REFUTE!
I as a citizen of this United States Of America...  Remember and Thank all of our Warriors, who down through the years, have given their all, so that I and my children, and my children's children, can live in Peace and Freedom.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

"Sorry......." "Nothing much, going on here............"

Guess I should begin with.....   "Sorry, there's nothing deep here..."  No soul searching, or brilliant views of the world in general...   No out of place comments on another country's political life.   Not really much, in the way of photos, even.  Just flowers at a Garden Place...   And some fabric, I got....  No deep thoughts.   

Nope, nothing much  going on here.  Just same old, same old blogging......
And btw, I am not referring to "The Dark Side of The Broom" here.  If I could write like she does, I'd be writing reams, every single day.  !!!!!!!!!!  I love how she writes!!!!!
Just, some wild material I got today.  And it is destined for a silly place, for wild material.   But hey!   It's my home.  I can do as I wish.  >,-)
Mmmmm, is Mercury in retrograde or something???  Things/people "tick-me-off" big time.   I have been ready to "fly"!  For a couple of days.  With or without my broom!!!


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Downstreet, to eat....... :-)

Wednesday, we went to our favorite restaurant, down street.  This time we had individual pizzas.  Mine close up and his, across from me. 
It was early for dinner, and we had a window right in the front part of the restaurant.  Where we could "people watch", and still be inside.  It was a beautiful day, but the wind was blowing quite a bit, on the outside eating area, on the deck.  This was the "best of both worlds".
And this is a closeup of my Gluten Free pizza!  Yes, it was delicious!  And the crust was not toooooo crisp.  Perfect!  And I told our server to tell the chef.  :-)

Most G/F pizzas I have had, the crust is way too crisp for my liking.   Hooray for this one!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to emabrace a not-so-sunny-day... :-))))

It is gray today....
The sun was struggling to peek through the clouds and the trees...
But I found a lovely little bunch of wild violets....
I will try to embrace the gray and overcast day, as Guinever von Sneeden does.  She loves a gray and misty day. :-)  Above is a screen capture of her lovely site.  
A delight for the senses...   Even with lovely music, to accompany her delightful little videos.  :-)

If she can love a day like this, she can show me how to do so also.  We can't have bright, sunny days, all the time.  And yes, they do make us feel more perky.  Well, most of us that is.  :-)   I'm sure she is not the only one, who embraces less sunny days.

Please, do  visit her, by clicking here.  Her life is very different than mine.   Than many.   But it's a delightful place to pop into.  It's really "another world."  She actually does live "in a Faerie Tale."  :-)))))

She also had a lovely blog (Slender Nettles), but has not updated it, in a few weeks.  With luck, she will begin again, there.  But meantime, there is the link I leave, above.  Where you can pop in, for daily delights.  :-)))))

Please and thank you....

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rainy day.... Baking day......

Rainy morning here...  Seems like it will be a good day, to use our spring rhubarb, in baking.  My husband always loves a Rhubarb Pie in the spring.  But after being in hospital, with pancreas, he really has to eat low fat.   Now my homemade crust, is delicious, but it is not low fat.   

So....  I figure I will make him a "little pie."  A galette.  Which is still my pastry...  Still the rhubarb pie filling.   But smaller.  :-)

And with the rest, we can make rhubarb sauce.  To put over other things.
This is a veggie dinner we had recently.  Sauteed mushrooms and squash.  Fiddle Head Ferns.  Fresh asparagus.  :-)
An avacado, pear, and banana, which I had on my island.  Just a pretty little, and healthy little, centerpiece.  :-)
Hope some of you, were able to see the Full Flower Moon last night.  I saw it, on Friday night.  But we were overcast, last night. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Tonight is the Full Flower Moon..........

Tonight is the Full Flower Moon.  As well as being a Blue Moon too.
"We use Full Moon names that were used during Native American and Colonial times to help track the seasons. Depending on the tribe, May’s Full Moon was called the Full Flower Moon as well as Mother’s Moon, Milk Moon, and Corn Planting Moon. The May Moon marked a time of increasing fertility with temperatures warm enough for safely bearing young, a near end to late frosts, and plants in bloom."   source
I hope that you will be able, to view it tonight, in your area.  :-)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How do you view........?

How do you view blogs?   

On a computer?  

A tablet?  

A cell phone?  

Please and thank you.
photo source
I view blogs, on my computer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A topic, which never grows old...... ,-)

How we interact in social media???  The topic never grows old.  Because there are always new forms of social media, to become enamored of.  And someone is always saying, that blogging is dying.  Etc.  Etc.  Etc.
The only forms I am in, are blogging and IG.  And I do see the lure and fun, of IG.  A quick picture...  A bit about it..  Maybe just Good Morning, or Good Night...  And you are posted.
Then you visit your lovely IG-found-friends, and click on "Like".  Or click on "Like" and also leave a short little "comment", and your IG time is done.  Quick, easy, covering all the bases of interaction, in social media.  It is a nice place.  
But for me, thoughts and words (and a couple of pretty pictures), have always been my first love.  Blogging is the place, for that.  Of course you can only leave a picture and a few words, or a quote, in blogging too...  And have a post.  A quick post, by the way.   Which seems more and more the norm, of people's busy lives.  And I have been falling into that rut.  Quick.  Not daily.  So no one has to spend too much time, here.
But, if thoughts/words are my first choice, why not indulge in them?  It's my blog.  If people want to take the time, to read...  Wonderful.   If not, that's fine too.  I am not running a popularity contest here.  I am not selling anything.  Numbers should not make any difference.  Doing what I want to do, with my blog, should be the norm.
And now, what are your views on this whole topic, of interaction in social media?  You must have views.  You are  in social media right now, with reading here.  :-)  Will you please share, with us?   Please and thank you.
 art source