Sunday, January 31, 2016

Allllllll about "commenting"........

I do realize that I am a No Reply Blogger.  But I am choosing to remain so, at least for awhile.
Let me explain my way of blogging.  ~~~~  If people come and leave a comment in my blog, I go and read/comment in their blog.
I do not send "email replies" to all who comment in my blog.  Feeling that my reciprocal reading/commenting in their blogs, is sufficient.  
Nor do I expect anyone else, to do this "email-replies"-to-all-who-comment-in-their-blog.
And, I do not reply, in my blog comments, to the comments made on my blog.  This expects people to return to a blog, for a 2nd time, to see the blogger's return comments.  Who has time to do that????  Not I.
My feeling....  If you appreciate comments on your blog, go leave a comment, on the blog's, of your commenters.
Have you ever considered these issues?
If so, what is your view, on them?
Please and thank you. 


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Another accomplishment... :-)))

I finally made a "skirt" to cover my lamp shade!!!!
Sorry about the "tilt" of the shade.  
It is an old lamp and it "tilts"...
I used to be embarrassed about this.  
And then I saw beautiful old lamp shades, on Instagram.
Which proudly "tilted."  :-)
Soooo...  Now I am no longer embarrassed.  :-)
How silly of me!
Needing someone else's validation.
For a silly little thing, like a tilting lamp.
I easily follow my own mind, on big things!
But not on this tiny thing.
"Out of the cloud-folds
of her garments shaken...
Silent, and soft, and slow
Descends the snow."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Frosted Rose....

My frosted rose, in my Banner.....
I took this photo, years ago.  By some chance, it came out in quite a beautiful way. 
I don't keep many pictures I have taken.  But this one, I have kept, for years.  I just love it.  :-) 
It is small by my blogging standards of today.  So I couldn't use it, in my Banner, until I learned to center my Banner pictures. 
I learned.  I can do it now.  And I did.  
Not an earth-shattering post topic.  But, I wanted to say it.  And I did.  
Hooray for our blogs!  A place, where we can write what we want.  "A Writing Place."  :-)
"I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow....."
Emily Bronte

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Many, many, many, many changes......

A friend sent a version of this, to me.  It's from 1949 of course.
In 1949, I was 12 years old.  Forming feminine values of course. 
If anyone is old enough, to remember "The Donna Reed Show," you have seen them, in practice.  This tv show began, in 1958, the year I got married.  :-) 
So you can imagine how many changes I have lived through!!!!!  Pretty amazing, actually.  "I've come a long way, baby!"  (Which was in an add, promoting women smoking, back in the day.  Yishhhh)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Monster winter storm.....

My heart goes out, to fellow citizens, who are in the path of this monster winter storm.   Please be safe. 
Happily, we are not in its path.  But so, so, so many are.  -sigh-

And Saturday is the Full Wolf Moon.  Which will mean higher tides, along the coast...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How to center...!!!!!!!!

Did you notice, that I have centered my Header/Banner picture?  Even though it is not as wide as the Header/Banner area?  Yes I did!   And I have been wanting to know how to do this, for ever so long.
Happily the lady at "Free Pretty Things For You" has been kind enough, to tell us how!!!
Click on this click-able link, and go find out, how to do this, for yourself.
And please do leave a Thank You comment for her.  It really is a marvelous service she is providing.
Thank you again, Keren...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Finally.... A skirt....!!! :-)

I finally revved up my sewing machine, and make a skirt.  :-)  Just gathered skirt, with elastic.  Not even a pattern.  But it took me 3 hours.  -----    Hope the next one will "make" quicker.
The material is a cute cherries on a black and white background.  Just fun.
Next I'd like to do the same, for a lamp shade covering.  Made like a little gathered "skirt", with a ruffle on top. 
"O Winter, King of intimate delights..."


Friday, January 15, 2016

"The Costumers of Downton Abbey"

Do you happen to follow the "Victoria" Magazine blog?  If you do, you will be familiar with this information.

But if you don't, I am giving a link to the post, which tells of "The Costumers of Downton Abbey".  :-)
Photos are from this 'Victoria' magazine blog...
"I don't want realism!
I want magic!
 Tennessee Williams

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Oh No!!!! Blogger Change...... :-((((((((

As the art above illustrates, I am sad.  With the New Year, came Blogger change.  -sighhhhhhh-
I have been told that "If you prefer not to sign up for a Google account, you will not miss a post on any blog you enjoy if you follow by e-mail....."  Thank you, 'Estelle's' blog
On the sidebar at the bottom of my blog, I have a way to 'follow' my blog, by e-mail. 
If anyone has more understanding of this issue, please feel free to enlighten me.  Please and thank you.

"Her cat was constantly with her,
and ran after her wherever she went,
and even sat up proudly by her side
when she drove out in her fine glass coach."
The Brown Fairy Book

Monday, January 11, 2016

A love letter to William Powell... :-)

As you can see, I'm having fun, with old movies.  :-)  Screwball comedies are still great fun, for many of us.  If you've never seen any, please do rent some!  I rent mine, from my library system, at no charge.
The zaniness of the characters, is silly fun, in itself.  But the way the rich of the time, where 'put down,' and the poor of the time, were triumphant, shows what was important to the audience, of the time.  A sort of social commentary.
But I especially love the personal stories, of the actors.
William Powell was born in 1892.  His father wanted him to be a lawyer, but he was drawn to all things theatrical.
During early lean years, he met/married a young actress named Eileen Wilson.  This ended in divorce.
In 1931 Powell and Carole Lombard fell in love and were married.  The marriage was short lived, but they remained close friends, until her untimely death in 1942.
By 1934 his career was at a standstill, so he took things in his own hands.  He went to MGM and made 'Manhattan Melodrama'.  And gave a brilliant performance.  His chemistry with Myrna Loy was noticed.  And thus, began the pairing, which would make them an unforgettable screen duo...  'The Thin Man' films!
In 1935, he made 'Reckless' with Jean Harlow, and they fell in love.  Being reluctant to marry again, he delayed it, until it became too late.  In 1937, at the age of 26, Jean Harlow died.  Powell was plunged into shock and depression, and was unable to work, for some time.  After this, and illness, he was able to return to films.
In 1941, he met and married Diana Lewis.  This happy marriage lasted 44 years, until  his death.
He went on making films until 1955, and at 63 he decided to retire.  The couple moved to Palm Springs for the rest of their lives.  He died in 1984 at the age of 91.
From the web site, which is the source of this information:

"All the clichés apply: "there will never be another like him", "they don't make them like that any more", etc., but there is nothing cliché about William Powell's work.  He was a debonair sophisticate not afraid to be ridiculous or silly, a deft comedian who could also handle drama and pathos with rare sincerity.  William Powell was a truly fine actor, and a gentleman both on and off screen.   We are lucky to have had him grace the movies."

I've spent all morning,
compiling this post.
I very much hope, 
that some, enjoy it. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Forgetting new plans... -sigh-

This blog was begun, after I had burned out, on my last blog.  After I had backed myself into so many corners, on my old blog.  But I needed a place to write, etc.

So.....  "a writing place" was born.

And it has been helpful.  I am again having fun with my 'blog look.'  And no longer have a very wide blog, with excessively wide posted photos.  And I did not want to get into counting comments or visits to my blog, or etc.  I wanted to put all that old stuff, behind me.
Really embrace the old 'Blogging without Obligation' motto.
And now, I'm finding myself slipping back into old habits.  -head desk-  All my fault.  All my fault.  But perhaps, writing this here, will jar me awake.  To renew my new plans, for this new blog.  Perhaps....  Perhaps...  I hope....
"And in the Winter, wild and cold, 
'Tis merry, merry too."
WM Howitt

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter... Time for hibernation... But how...???

It's really, really cold now.  Deep winter has set in.  It took a long time coming, this season.  But when it came, it came with a bang.  And cold is not my favorite sensation.  Then again, neither is hot/humid.  But that issue, is not for now.  Now is cold.  

And cold tends to keep me inside.  By choice.  In my view, who wants to toddle about, with ice and snow for companions?  Brrrrr...  Shiverrrrrr...  Scary......
Not that I have much against staying in.  I'm not a 'Nature Girl' and never was.  So that's not the issue.  Guess the issue is, that when I can choose to stay in, it's fine.  But then the choice is forced upon me, it's not.  I want to be in charge of the choice.  ,-) 
Following nature, winter would seem to be the time for hibernation.  For making use of the enforced in-time, in some quietly constructive way.  For seeking out inside activities.  For using the time to ponder.  Rather than to be go-go-go all the time.  As in the other seasons.  And also, spending time, just being.  Free from *guilt*.

Also I know, that only retired people and people who work at home, have this luxury.  If you are employed, you go out to work, regardless of the weather, or of how you feel about going out.  Happily I'm retired, so I get choices.

Heather has a 'Hibernate' online retreat, which I joined last year.  But other than this, there isn't much help on how to hibernate, in winter.  If you have found meaningful books on this topic, please let me know their titles!

This is a long post, so I don't know how many are still reading here.  But if you are (Thank you!!!), please share your views, on this topic, of hibernating in winter.  Do you want to do it?  How do you do it?  Guides you have found, for doing it?
"Winter is the time for comfort, 
for good food and warmth, 
for the touch of a friendly hand 
and for a talk 
beside the fire."
- Edith Sitwell
1. link
2. link


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Screwball Comedies"

A delightful bunch of (mostly) screwball comedies, from the library!!!!  Love these!

We watched a couple of 'Thin Man' films, on New Year's Eve.  And I got the urge to rent some more, of this genre. 
Do you enjoy these old gems, also???????
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nick Charles: "The important thing is the rhythm. Always have rhythm in your shaking. Now a Manhattan you shake to fox-trot time, a Bronx to two-step time, a dry martini you always shake to waltz time." 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, January 2, 2016

"Betsy" is threaded and ready to go...!!!

"Betsy" (my new sewing machine) is threaded and ready to go!!!!   But the filling the bobbin and doing the top thread, was such an *ordeal* that I have to wait till tomorrow, to sew anything!!!!  I am exhausted!  :-))) 

Oh wow, they say you don't forget, once you learned something.  And I did a lot of simple sewing, "once upon a time."  And some basics, are the same.  

But!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I most certainly did not just sit down, and whizzzz through the set up!  -grin-

I gave up on the "fancy-dancy-new" automatic threader.  And simply threaded the needle myself.  Since the machine comes with an automatic threader, I will eventually learn to use it.  But today, I just needed to complete the set up.   
Let's hope for some sewing, soon!!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016

Both Christmas and New Year's are over.  But I'm not yet ready, to take down all our decorations.  We are due for a 'spell' of cold weather.  I think the brightness and color, of the Holiday decorations.............
 ..........will help make the house 'feel' warmer.  Or at least, I can convince myself, that this is the case.

I guess everyone deals with January, in their own way.  And in their own time.
"January is here, with eyes that keenly glow,
A frost-mailed warrior
striding a shadowy steed of snow."
~Edgar Fawcett